Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Olympics

Can we just talk about how difficult it is to watch the Olympics in the era of Facebook and Twitter and NY Times headlines updates on our iphones--at the same time as delayed Games coverage in America? Can we just talk about that for a second? Because I don't want to know that the US gymnasts or Ryan Lochte won an event before I can see it, and I can't watch it until 5 or 8 hours later, and therefore I have been avoiding technology all week long. And phone calls from people who may want to talk about the event results (ahem, Mother).

Nicole and I have always been Olympic fanatics-- we're former swimmers in real life and professional athletes in our dreams--but watching the Games has never been this challenging in the past. Am I right? I mean, I can't complain about the delayed coverage (okay, I can, but I won't) because it 1) allows me to watch all the events after work and 2) forces me to go to the gym between work and the coverage to kill that gap of time. But man, avoiding any mention of the results is hard these days. If you're in America, do you feel the same way? And if you're not--don't spoil any results for me! ;)

And, okay, the swim races and the wee gymnasts are the best things to watch, in my humble opinion, but this video is my favorite at the Olympics so far. (The leaning!)

Video via YouTube

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